
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1964 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ

Dom Perignon oenotheque 1964 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
\710,000- 在庫:有
ショップ:Fine and Rare


Dom Perignon Dom Pérignon OEnothèque / ドン・ペリニヨン ドン・ペリニヨン・エノテークはフランス北東部のシャンパーニュ地方で生産される発泡性のワイン、シャンパンです。生産者はDom Perignon/ドン・ペリニヨン(NM:ネゴシアン・マニピュラン)です。


Dom Perignon oenotheque 1964 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the sugar contained in the wax, falling into the bottle caused a second fermentation. A happy coincidence would have allowed Dom Pérignon to discover fermentation in the bottle. The "Champagne method" or, more simply champagne, would have been born. Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。不良や異常のある場合は商品のお届けから8日以内にFine and Rareまでお知らせくださいませ。Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Châteaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines, Fine and Rare must be notified of any defects or irregularities no later than 8 days after the collection of the receipt of the goods. 1
Dom Perignon Dom Pérignon OEnothèque / ドン・ペリニヨン・ドン・ペリニヨン・エノテーク

Dom Pérignon OEnothèque



シャルドネ : , ピノ・ノワール : -, ピノ・ムニエ : -, 他 : -


Dom Perignon / ドン・ペリニヨン
Dom Perignon / ドン・ペリニヨン
Vallée de la Marne / ヴァレ・ド・ラ・マルヌ
- Côteaux Sud d'Epernay / コトー・シュッド・デペルネイ
51200 Épernay / エペルネ
ドン・ペリニヨンモエ・エ・シャンドンが造るプレステージ・シャンパーニュ。現在独立したブランドとして展開しています。詳細は「Dom Perignon / ドン・ペリニヨン」をご覧ください。

ドン・ペリニヨン - ドン・ペリニヨン・エノテーク 商品一覧

Dom Perignon oenotheque 1996 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\190,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1996 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
1990年 ドン・ペリニヨン エノテーク(白・発泡) シャンパーニュ
酒専門店 知多繁 楽天市場店
\209,000 在庫:有
 ■ 商品説明 ■ 1990年 ドン・ペリニヨン エノテーク(白・発泡)シャンパーニュ1990年のスーパーグレートヴィンテージ! 現在エノテークの名前では発売されていないため超希少! ドンペリは3度飲み頃を迎えると言われており、最初は8年後、第二のピークは約15年後、第三のピークが約30年後とされています。エノテーク1990年は第二ピークに達した頃に発売され、現在では第三ピークに達しているという大変希少なワインです。現在は第二、第三ピークに合わせて発売されるP2、P3プレニチュードという商品にリニューアルされています。ドライフルーツやカラメルを思わせる甘美な風味に満ち溢れ、非常に滑らかで、香ばしさを伴う複雑な味わいが渾然一体となった圧巻の仕上がりです。商品代金の合計が税別16667円以上で送料無料! ただし1.8L 6本のご注文は税別16667円以下でも送料無料です。
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1962 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\710,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1962 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1998 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\390,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1998 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the s...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 2002 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\290,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 2002 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 2005 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\290,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 2005 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 2006 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\290,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 2006 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1959 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\1,300,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1959 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1964 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\710,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1964 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1966 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\700,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1966 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1969 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\710,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1969 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1982 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ
Fine and Rare
\490,000 在庫:有
Dom Perignon oenotheque 1982 ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン エノテーク シャンパン シャンパーニュ . Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the...