傷あり ドンペリ ロゼ 750ml ヴィンテージ シャンパン 果実酒 スパークリング ワイン シャンパーニュ ドンペリニヨン フランス ドン・ペリニヨン Dom Perignon Champagne ドン ペリニョン ピンク ピンドン 箱なし 酒類【中古】DP-RMT
Dom Perignon Dom Pérignon Rosé / ドン・ペリニヨン ドン・ペリニヨン・ロゼはフランス北東部のシャンパーニュ地方で生産される発泡性のワイン、シャンパンです。生産者はDom Perignon/ドン・ペリニヨン(NM:ネゴシアン・マニピュラン)です。
傷あり ドンペリニョン ロゼ 750ml 箱なし 展示品※在庫状況により年代は画像と異なります 商品説明 品種:シャンパーニュ 容量:750ml 下記取引情報を必ず読んでからご注文お願い致します。 ■正規の箱なし、未開栓の展示品となります。 ・在庫状況によりラベルのデザイン、年代は画像と異なる場合がございます。 ・展示にともなうラベルや注ぎ口付近の傷、劣化、よごれ等ある場合がございます。 ・完品や贈答用等でお考えの方はご遠慮下さい。 ■カード決済によるご注文は、ご注文者情報、カード名義、配送先情報の3点が完全一致していないとお受けできません。 (例)※注文者住所が自宅で配送先が店舗や会社の場合。 ※注文者登録住所が以前の住所のままで現住所と異なる場合。 ※カード名義が旧姓の場合。 ※カード名義が注文者、配送先と異なる場合。 ※プレゼント等で注文者と配送先が異なる場合。 ※これらの場合はカード決済でのご注文はお受けできません。 同梱 ■酒類のみの場合6本まで可能です。 ★7本目からや酒類以外の商品等とは同梱対応いたしません。その際は別口発送として新たに送料がかかりますので予めご了承下さい。 配送方法 ■ヤマト便800円 (沖縄・離島除く) ■沖縄・離島のみ ヤマト便1790円 ・クール便は対応いたしておりません。通常配送のみとなります。 保管状態 常温保管(店内展示品) お取引につきまして ※重要※ ■ご注意■ ★未成年者のご注文はかたくお断りいたします。★当店の取り扱い酒類は基本的に完品ではございません。箱なし、ラベル傷ありなど展示品になります。★未開栓の状態での経年変化や自然蒸発による減量・お味・風味・コルクの状態等の品質保証はできませんので、ご了承下さい。★メーカー都合(製造された年代など)によるラベルやデザインの変更がある場合、商品画像と異なる場合がございます。★ キャンセル、返品交換はお受けいたしかねます。商品状態をよく読んだうえでのご注文お願い致します。
Dom Pérignon Rosé
- 生産者名
- Dom Perignon / ドン・ペリニヨン
- 地区
- Vallée de la Marne / ヴァレ・ド・ラ・マルヌ
- Côteaux Sud d'Epernay / コトー・シュッド・デペルネイ - 村
- 51200 Épernay / エペルネ
- 概要
- ドン・ペリニヨンはモエ・エ・シャンドンが造るプレステージ・シャンパーニュ。現在独立したブランドとして展開しています。詳細は「Dom Perignon / ドン・ペリニヨン」をご覧ください。
ドン・ペリニヨン - ドン・ペリニヨン・ロゼ 商品一覧
ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン ロゼ 1985 ドン ペリニヨン ドンペリニョン ピンク Dom Perignon Rose フランス シャンパン シャンパーニュ[のこり1本]
KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
\248,000 在庫:有
KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
\248,000 在庫:有
生産者ドンペリニヨンDom Perignonワイン名ロゼRoseヴィンテージ1985容量750ml解説ヴィノス: 96点予想される飲み頃:2015 - 2025A wine of real power and intensity, the 1985 Dom Pérignon Rosé is exceptionally beautiful tonight. The flavors are rich, layered and expansive. Hints of caramel and hazelnut add nuance to a core of expressive red berry fruit, but it is the wine’s textural generosity that is most impressive considering the 1985 is now thirty years old. The 1985 is not an eternal wine, but it has reached a glorious platea...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1969 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1969
Fine and Rare
\1,512,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\1,512,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1969 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1969 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1971 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1971
Fine and Rare
\584,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\584,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1971 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1971 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1978 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1978
Fine and Rare
\1,310,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\1,310,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1978 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1978 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1982 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1982
Fine and Rare
\353,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\353,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1982 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1982 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1990 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1990
Fine and Rare
\444,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\444,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1990 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1990 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1998 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1998
Fine and Rare
\222,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\222,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 1998 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 1998 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2000 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2000
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2000 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2000 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2002 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2002
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2002 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2002 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2003 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2003
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2003 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2003 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2005 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2005
Fine and Rare
\211,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\211,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2005 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2005 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...
続きを見るChampagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2008 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2008
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Fine and Rare
\272,000 在庫:有
Champagne Dom Pérignon Rosé 2008 / シャンパーニュ ドン ペリニヨン ロゼ 2008 . 商品説明 Legend has it that Dom Pérignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom Pérignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact ...